Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Week In The Life

So I found this sweet project:

The point is to take a week and just document your life. Photos, words, ephemera. Later on, you compile it, scrapbook style, physically or digitally, and then you have a sweet album of one week in your life! She has a set week when everyone does it together, and this year it's April 23 - 29.

So, starting tomorrow, I'll be making a daily post with pics and words, and we'll see what happens down the road, album-wise. I think the project is too neat to pass up. I'm not really at a very significant point in my life, but I'm sure future generations would be curious as to how I spent my single years...right? And so I go and do. We'll see if it ever actually turns into an actual album, but at least the blog posts will be there.

Look forward to it!

p.s. what do you think of the new blog design?

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