Sunday, June 6, 2010

101 in 1001

I've made a list of 101 things that I will accomplish in the next 1001 days.
I'll post updates here on the ol' blog. I'm seriously pumped right now.
Go here. Get some inspiration. Make your own list. Get excited.

I started June 4, 2010, and will finish March 1, 2013.

1. purchase a disco ball

2. write a song

3. hike Timp

4. run a 5k

5. leave a note in a book from the library

6. visit a new country

7. go skiing/snowboarding

8. pay off my loan

9. learn to drive stick shift

10. keep a dream journal

11. NaNoWriMo

12. scoot to SLC and back

13. make an item of clothing

14. go to batting cages

15. re-learn scripture masteries

16. go on a Utah temple road trip

17. read my height in books

18. no fast food for a month

19. road trip to somewhere I've never been

20. mail Ryan his armadillo

21. learn 10 songs on guitar (0/10)

22. attend an anime convention in costume

23. see 3 bands on my 'need to see' list (0/3)

24. throw something electronic of value into a body of water

25. hike Mount Fuji

26. go to the Ghibli Museum

27. go to the MOMA

28. read the Ensign every month (0/33)

29. make a physical photo portfolio

30. hang my pictures in frames around my home

31. get a caricature done of myself

32. send a secret to PostSecret

33. send a postcard to Hopefully Mormon

34. facebook fast for a week

35. host a fancy dinner party

36. attend a film festival

37. do some volunteer work (details to be decided)

38. 25 random acts of kindness (0/25)

39. go to 20 different museums (0/20)

40. attend a photography class or workshop

41. attend a midnight premiere in costume

42. defeat Windwaker and Portal

43. tape someone/be taped to a wall

44. enter a photography contest

45. get a mani/pedi

46. create and display a massively huge work of art

47. go geocaching

48. try 20 new restaurants (1/20)

49. play music for tips

50. see a musical on Broadway

51. go barefoot for a day

52. take a picture for each task completed

53. grow a plant from a seed

54. Cedar Point - live it, love it

55. go to the dentist

56. for one month, pay for everything in cash and save the change

57. buy a plane ticket and just go

58. pass JLPT level 1

59. complete one of those fun journals

60. let myself fall in love

61. fold 1,000 cranes and take them to a peace memorial (0/1000)

62. be in Japan for the cherry blossoms!

63. keytar?!?!

64. buy and eat a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store

65. get my hair cut in Japan

66. for 24 hours, take a picture every hour/24 hour comic

67. go to the fancy onsen in Hakone

68. stay up for 24 hours straight for good reason

69. take a photo of the same landscape through all 4 seasons

70. kiss someone on New Year's at midnight

71. read the Book of Mormon in Japanese

72. every week, get an album recommendation from a friend and listen to it

73. write a letter to the editor

74. learn to french braid

75. become ambidextrous

76. write real letters to friends

77. create a video and upload it to youtube

78. blog tri-weekly for a month

79. journal hourly each waking hour for a week

80. for one day, make all decisions with a Magic 8 Ball

81. re-learn the Rubik's Cube

82. learn handwriting analysis

83. read the standard works straight through

84. learn to say 'garlic' in at least 20 languages (5/20)

85. watch 50 movies off my 'to see' list (2/50)

86. get pushed into a pool fully clothed

87. wear makeup everyday for a week

88. join the Arashi fan club

89. give a 100% tip

90. pull the prank of a lifetime

91. watch a scary movie with a boy

92. for one week, spend no money

93. interview 15 people for my blog (0/15)

94. write on the wall of each of my facebook friends

95. go to the movies alone

96. buy crazy eyeshadows

97. go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

98. cook 50 new recipes (0/50)

99. do something with my Puccho wrappers and sunflower seed shells

100. complete Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

101. spend $50 on one dinner for myself