Saturday, June 11, 2011

So, apparently I'm a shape-shifting alien.

Thrice weekly blog post 6 of 15 (2 weeks down, 3 to go!)

This morning I went to a waffle party. It was delicious.

Then I ventured to SLC to go to the Salt Lake Art Center with friendlies. Unfortunately, it was closed for installation of a new exhibit. One that I thought was going to be on view for the first day today. One that all the signs say starts today. So we found other things to do. I wore my new Vibram Five Fingers Treksports to get used to them more, and I am greatly enjoying them. I can't wait to go hiking in them!

This evening we did a "How to Host a Teen Mystery" and it was quite a good one. I've done a few in my day, and this one was quite hilarious. I ended being the culprit. Whoops!

And now we are going to blue my hair again. It has been, and will continue to be, an eventful day.

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