Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I'm looking to get item #62 completed soon: Follow an elimination diet to see if I have food intolerances

The more I learn about food, the more I realize just how much it affects our daily life and health, and the more I want to do something about it. I have a few health conditions that I think could be helped with diet, and I'm curious to see if certain foods are causing some symptoms, so an elimination diet is the way to go.

In researching different plans, I came across Whole30, which is fairly established. It focuses on creating a healthy relationship with food by eating mostly (you guessed it) whole foods. It also cuts out all possibly inflammatory foods for 30 days, and then you can reintroduce things a little at a time to see if they affect your body. 

We're talking eliminating sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, and junk food - including, worst of all, french fries. I might die. But it's only 30 days, right?

Hubster is a champ and is going to do it with me. I think having accountability and support will help. I also think if we can plan and prepare and have food ready to go, it will go smoothly. 

We're aiming for February (+ 2 days), so I'm doing my research and we're getting ready. 

Please tell me I'm not crazy. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

You're not crazy! (just crazy awesome) I'm interested to hear how it goes and what kind of foods and recipes you try! Good luck!!