Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A month of podcasts

For my February 30-day project I listened to a new podcast everyday. I got into the habit of listening to them while I work or while I'm driving - it's definitely a good use of time.

I've listened to a really eclectic mix, so I'm not sure if all my interests will translate to other people, but my favorites have been: Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, Year of Polygamy, Where Should We Begin?, The Bright Sessions, Reply All, Geek History Lesson, and Coverville. I've only listed to a few episodes of each one, but I like what I've heard so far. And still other series that I'm interested in exploring further. I have so many new podcasts to listen to.

Hopefully these podcasts will assist me as I train for my 5K (#56)! Colette convinced me to run the Playworks Race to Reduce Bullying at Wheeler Farm on March 24th. If anyone wants to join us, just let me know! There will be inflatables and obstacles and hot cocoa! I figure this counts as fun enough, though who knows - maybe I'll just want to run more. This health thing is pretty important.

1 comment:

Colette said...

Excited for the race!