Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Double the bakes!

So it's breadstick/rolls month here on the Great Sara Baking Show and I've made twice the buns as we'll be off for vacation all next week and I don't want to bake. It's okay. I make the rules.

Dinner Rolls

Burger Buns

Both were quite successful, I think. Perhaps I'm finally taming this beast of an oven!

I may take one of my free pass days and not post next week, because a real vacation is sounding really good right now. We'll see! There will certainly be very big news upon our return. :)

1 comment:

Colette said...

I'm glad you posted! I was a bit worried when you hadn't posted last night. ;-) Those rolls and buns look AMAZING! And I'm so excited/jealous of your vacation. Can't wait to hear all about it!