Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Complete: 59. Visit a friend who lives far away

I'm wrapping up a visit to Georgia today, and while I didn't technically see any friends, I just spent 2 weeks with family I hardly ever get to see, so this is close enough. (Though I still would like to visit some faraway friends! [I'm realizing most of my friends are faraway now, though, and that's making me sad.]) Anyway!

Pictured is my big bro, Russell, who I visited, along with his wife and 4 kids.

We had a great week playing Rocket League, debating Schroedinger's astronaut, talking music, eating good food (Waffle House hashbrowns all the way!), and touring great Georgia places like Stone Mountain and the Georgia Aquarium. 

I do consider my brother a friend. I have him to thank for some of my musical tastes - Weird Al and They Might Be Giants, in particular. He took me to my first concert (Weird Al) when I was 11 and it was the best thing. We're planning on applying for The Amazing Race together (I'm holding you to it, Russell, if you ever read this). We don't talk as much as I would like, so I'm glad I get to go visit every few years, at least. 

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