Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Complete: 97. Attend the Giant Pumpkin Regatta

First of all, it's not actually the Giant Pumpkin Regatta. It's the Ginormous Pumpkin Regatta. My apologies. These were not mere giant pumpkins.

We were graced with the presence of both major presidential nominees, as well as the loch ness monster, the little mermaid, and a pumpkin gnome, among others.

It was a quick, drama-filled race which HRC herself won. A foreshadowing of things to come???

After the race we got to see some pumpkins up close and they were even letting people paddle around a bit in them! They were so squishy and slimy I couldn't imagine getting in myself.

Overall, as far as large pumpkin events go, I think I like the pumpkin drop better, but this was a wonderful event. Item completed!

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