Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Complete: 27. Keep a doodle journal for 3 months + 68. Have people over for dinner 10+ times

2 this week, woooo! And I'm officially calling 57. Take a road trip to Michigan my head shaving replace-ee. I still want to do it, but there's just no way I can make it out there before winter hits. So officially 3 goals! Getting stuff done!

27. Doodle journal:
This coincided nicely with my line drawing class online, so a lot of that, but also lots of lettering and cute things.

I discovered zentangles and started making my own Pokemon and Studio Ghibli themed ones. :)

68. Dinners with people!
I changed this to 5+ and I'm calling it good, because it's basically impossible to have people over for dinner here. I even counted cooking at other people's a few times, so we're just gonna be okay with that. I got 8 dinners. I don't think I got pictures of too many of these. Oh well! It's done!

This week I've also cooked a lot of Good Eats food and made a calligraphy birthday card. I keep forgetting to take pictures before I send them off - oh well. I'm making more progress on my grown-up coloring book because I switched from colored pencils to crayons. I don't think colored pencils and I are friends. I also switched French Fryday blog posts to being just instagram posts because that's easier and I may not evaluate the fries, just enjoy and post them. Making life easier!

I'm also buckling down and learning my songs for #49-51. Here's the first one, one take, no editing, sharing with you to hold myself accountable because it's not good enough for anything else, hahaha.

45 things done now! Maybe I can meet 80 after all (or not - that's totally okay)!

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