Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Cookies and Games

This week's cookies were rosemary shortbread. I've already talked about them a lot other places, but that's just because they were that delicious. I need the whole world to try these cookies.

Also cookie month is officially way better than bread month. I want to bake ALL THE COOKIES.

We also stumbled upon a game store's going out of business sale and bought two Spiel des Jahres award winning games: Tikal and Istanbul. Not only were they for my list, but they were also on sale, so it's okay for my 3 month money challenge! Now to learn and play them!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I had to come back and see if you had posted the recipe for those cookies, because after eating the ones I took home with me, I WANT MORE. haha :) Also, what game store was going out of business?