Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Crepes and Christmas

I totally wrote this last week and then I didn't hit publish!!! Please excuse me. I present last week's blog post.

For my whole life I've put off making crepes because I thought they'd be super hard.

I was totally wrong.
This is a terrible thing to realize, as I'm now going to eat crepes all the time.
Making crepes helped me on item #69, cooking dishes from other countries.

Other things this week:
We discovered last minute and saw the premiere of the Princess Academy musical (which was okay - they play version we saw at BYU was WAY better) for item #4. We did get to breathe the same air as Shannon Hale, so that's a huge plus.

I tried Bindi Masala for item #37 - I'm up to 7 out of 10 new Indian dishes!

And a large amount of work was put into item #47, making our Christmas letter. We cut it close, but they're delivered! 2 more years to go and that one will be done.

Big plans for Christmas break! Get excited!

1 comment:

Colette said...

I guess I'll forgive you. ;-)

And now I'm craving some crepes. And Indian food. Maybe they don't go together, but they both sound delicious right now!

Also, I adored your Christmas letter. Nice work.