Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Big Plans!

Guys. I'm actually going to check something off this week! We're headed on our California trip starting tomorrow night. Expect a full report soon, with two items accomplished!

In addition to that, I'm going to start two big items on August 1st: 72. Track health and sleep for 3 months and 84. Keep a consumption instagram for 1 year.

For health and sleep tracking, my Fitbit will take care of a lot, but I want this to be super comprehensive. I've been having a lot of headaches and stomach issues lately (TMI? Maybe.), and I want to see if there's a connection with what I'm eating or what I'm doing. I'm thinking rating energy levels throughout the day will be helpful, too. I feel like having quantitative data will be great if I do need to get more advice from a doctor. Any other ideas on things I should keep track of?

My consumption instagram has been created, and I'm going to post everything I eat there.  I feel like these two go a bit hand in hand, so it shouldn't be too difficult to work on them at the same time. I love the idea of quantitative living, and I did a consumption photo log for 3 months on my last list. If you want to follow this crazy adventure, I'm at @everythingsaraeats. It'll be interesting to see who follows an account like that, too. Oh, and credit where credit is due - I got the idea initially from Tucker Shaw's book Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of My Mouth. All good artists steal!

Success is waiting on the other side!


Colette said...

I'm totally following. Way to steal like an artist!

Colette said...

I'm totally following. Way to steal like an artist!