Thursday, March 28, 2013

101 Redux

Well, here it is, guys. I've been working for the past few weeks and I think my new 101 list is ready to be revealed. I'm going to start on April 4th. Here's to another 2.75 years!

1. read 101 books off my goodreads to read list
2. watch 101 movies as recommended by friends, and with those friends if possible
3. hike the y when it's lit for graduation or homecoming
4. create and photograph a cookbook
5. go on a scott pilgrimage to toronto
6. learn to moonwalk
7. build a lightbox
8. keep and update a resume of personal skills that do not relate to jobs
9. cook my way through a cookbook
10. learn to screenprint
11. join a bowling league
12. use the mistletoe that's been hanging in our apartment for a year
13. spend a full day at the nickelcade, from open to close
14. shave my head and raise at least $101 dollars for St. Baldrick's
15. go to a shooting range
16. february album writing month
17. nanowrimo by hand
18. read the bible dictionary
19. create music maps and listen to influences of 10 of my top-listened-to bands
20. create 5 new cosplays
21. one full year of 30 day projects
22. play 101 new games (non-video)
23. vlog or blog or something for each task
24. post 101 songs (covers or originals) on my youtube channel
25. film a documentary
26. prepare 2 annual reports with charts and graphs
27. 101 photo projects
28. attend at least 2 of gencon, bronycon, comicon, leakycon, vidcon
29. knit a sweater
30. cut my own hair
31. cross-stitch 5 projects
32. paint a monster into a thrift store painting
33. visit 5 new amusement parks
34. learn about and read a talk from each member of the quorum of the 70, quorum of the 12, and first presidency
35. host 5 big awesome parties
36. for one year, see at least one production per month
37. eat everything on the menu at one restaurant
38. go snowshoeing
39. post 101 online reviews
40. read 5 books in japanese
41. read the standard works with guides and commentary
42. become a member of a museum
43. learn to crochet and make a baby blanket
44. learn to play 5 hymns on the piano
45. vegas food trip
46. keep a consumption journal for 3 months
47. for one year, study sunday lessons beforehand
48. keep notes in my music moleskine
49. paint a pair of shoes
50. play quidditch
51. volunteer at a library, museum, or theater for at least 3 months
52. sew a dress
53. go on a photography hike
54. buy a new musical instrument
55. create my own stationery and personal contact card
56. for one calendar year, send cards or gifts for immediate family birthdays and holidays
57. attend the temple monthly, pay $20 to the temple fund for each month i don't attend
58. pick fresh raspberries and jam them
59. collect 101 stories
60. clean and organize my computer
61. play a giant dot game
62. make a list of projects i have the means to complete and complete 5 of them
63. personal website
64. see a new church pageant
65. create my own listography journal
66. get or make a standing or adjustable desk
67. edit a nano novel and sell it on amazon
68. watch a cirque du soleil show live
69. make a christmas zine
70. compile my personal history
71. guerrilla gardening/street art
72. eat the ikea smorgasbord
73. maintain a 72 hour kit
74. write a letter to sara pennypacker
75. put pocket something
76. live so that i could move at any moment - don't keep things unless they are beautiful or useful
77. cook/make/craft/do 101 things off my pinterest boards
78. make a personal manifesto
79. make a stuff journal
80. watch things in japanese (at least 5 complete series)
81. take voice lessons
82. commission a portrait
83. paint my favorite quotes on canvas and display them
84. go to a festival for a certain thing
85. verify the reality of chicago
86. find a primary care physician
87. go to 5 concerts with the most recent album memorized
88. ride the frontrunner to slc and back
89. try zumba
90. go to a planetarium show
91. successfully bake a loaf of bread
92. host a youtube film festival
93. write at a coffee shop
94. upgrade my point and shoot
95. make something out of duct tape
96. sell something on etsy
97. for 3 months, exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week
98. make a guess doctor who game
99. attend a ted event
100. throw a random surprise party
101. buy julie a stepstool


sadexcuse4amango said...

Wooow you're gonna be busy! Lots of GREAT stuff in there tho! Lots of doing things for x amount of time too! You'll have to do a lot of planning to fit them all in!!

Also come visit us in teh fall; we pick loads of raspberries and make jam!!

Parker said...

I wanna come on the Scott Pligrimage!!!! Also, Megan and I have plenty of movies to recommend. :) You rock for doing so many awesome things.

Bowling Games said...

I like your 101 list so much! I will do the same... I will start with bowling!

Fredjikrang said...

Intense! I think that you should start with #101. ;D

Colette said...

Love, love, love, love, love this.

I'm not sure how I can help from a distance with these, but I'm way excited for you. And I may have to steal some of these for my second 101 list when I get to that point. :-)