Thursday, April 30, 2020

The wave of productivity subsides

But that's okay, because we're in a pandemic. I'm allowed to not get things done, okay? And all of you are allowed to not get things done, too!

Though I did actually manage to get some things done. Just not as much as I anticipated. Hubster ended up back at work so we got less watching done, and I retreated into Survivor. But I realized it will count for a thing! More later. First!


21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books
  • I'm done!! This month I read Other Words for Home, Splendors and Glooms, Because of Winn-Dixie, It's Like This, Cat, and Echo. Splendors and Glooms and Echo were both favorites. I just love Newbery books. They are such quality. My long-term goal is to read every single one of them.
56. make and give 10 art gifts
  • I made one last gift for a friend and I'm all done! This has been so fun. It can be hard sometimes to think of things to make, so making gifts for others is great because it gives me something to do, and I make something for someone I like who likes what I make! Win win!


4. read 100 books in a year
  • With all my reading I hit 52 books this week! So just an update to say I am a third of the way through the year and over halfway done with my 100 books. Am I ridiculous? Yes, in a very good way.
31. a year of (silly) holiday celebration
  • This month we enjoyed Draw a Picture of a Bird Day, Licorice Day, Haiku Day, and Bubble Tea Day! Quarantine did encourage me to finally make my own bubble tea - I've had the stuff for it forever, but not being able to go out and get it for Bubble Tea Day finally pushed me. It was pretty okay!
42. complete 10 unfinished series (reading, watching, etc.)
  • I realized Survivor is totally an unfinished series! I loved this show when it first came out (though I didn't start watching until the 2nd season - I've watched the 1st since then - don't worry) back when I was in middle school. I watched pretty regularly for a while and then a few here and there, but I had some huge gaps and they're currently on season 40 so I had a lot to catch up on! Being stuck at home brought me back and I rediscovered my love for this phenomenal show. I've breezed through 18 seasons since we've started staying home and I'm almost all caught up! It's been such a comfort watch.
44. see a touring Broadway show
  • Our show was officially cancelled. :( We got our money back and hopefully we can make it to one this fall! Mean Girls and Anastasia are both coming, and Hamilton early next year, which is never a bad decision. We'll get one!
58. see 30 new documentaries (5/30)
  • Just one this month: Three Identical Strangers, man. It's crazy. Go watch it!
60. r/52weeksofcooking - year-long cooking challenge
  • So glad this is keeping me on track during a month of nothingness, too.
Deep Frying: Double-fried Fries

Alphabet: LMNOP Quiche (lemon, mushroom, nutmeg, onion, parmesan)

Beans: Sweet Potato Black Bean Chipotle Kale Salad

South African: Gatsby Sandwich

From Scratch: Fresh Pasta and Meat Sauce

79. try 30 new salad/side dish recipes (5/30)
  • Trying to be better at this one! Got one this month! I made a kale and quinoa salad with lemon vinaigrette. Yum.
99. complete a reading challenge (20/50)
  • I did focus on those Newberys this month, but I managed to get 5 done for my challenge! I read a book with 20+ letters in the title (The Art of Racing in the Rain), a book by a woman in STEM (The Moment of Lift), a book about or involving social media (An Absolutely Remarkable Thing), a book set in Japan (Tokyo on Foot), and a book featuring one of the seven deadly sins (My Year of Rest and Relaxation). I'm feeling on track for this one, and if I can continue to get digital copies of things I'll keep on reading more until the libraries open back up.
I've had some rough patches this month, so I'm glad I've been able to get so much done, relatively speaking. I hope to get more done this month. But my worth is not defined by my productivity! And I know you guys will still love me no matter what I have to report. Thanks for all your support!


Parker said...

The Moment of Lift is an amazing book. Tough to read in parts, but super important. Also, seconding the recommendation for Three Identical Strangers. So crazy! If it was a fictional movie, it wouldn't have gotten made because it's too unbelievable....

Colette said...

I want to eat all the food you made. And no surprise, but I love that rainbow envelope or paper or whatever it is you put Emily's name on.