Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Complete: The Final Items

I can't believe my list is over tomorrow! At this point I'm usually scrambling to see what I can finish on the last day, but I'm honestly feeling a bit burnt out this time around. With today being the last blog day I've been aiming to have things finished by today, anyway. So maybe this was really 101 goals in 1000 days, haha.

These last few items are ones I've been working on for a while.

9. For every feature film I watch during the list, watch a documentary

I wanted to do this to "make up" for watching feature films. I figured I could cancel out the nonsense with a documentary. I ended up watching 125 feature films, and thus 125 documentaries. Heck. That's really not that much for almost 3 years, though. I did find that I wasted less time on films because I knew I'd have to watch a doc, hahah. 

Some favorites: Hoop Dreams, Chef's Table, Babies, Ken Burns: The Address, Life Animated, The Million Dollar Duck, Baraka, Planet Earth, Victorian Slum House, The Eagle Huntress, I Am Not Your Negro, Mind of a Chef (don't worry, I had to watch multiple episodes of TV docs to equal a feature film), Faces Places, Scott's Pizza Tours, Believer, Won't You Be My Neighbor?, Sacred Sound, Half the Sky, RBG, and Salt Fat Acid Heat.

16. Finish a grown-up coloring book

I didn't really enjoy this one, but I said I was going to do it, so I forced my way through the "Geometrical Grown Up Coloring Book" my mom got me at Dollar Tree. I am terrible at picking colors, so eventually I randomized it with a d6 and 20. That made things a little better. I did find some good color combos, but that was about the only benefit. I feel like it stressed me out more than it helped me relax.

25. Take one second of footage everyday for a year

So so so so proud of this. Please enjoy if you haven't already:

38. Complete a 30-day project each month for 2 years

I did this! I really like 30-day projects. It's just enough to try something new, but not get too burnt out on it. I did: the dishes every night, practiced banjo, wore earrings, read for one hour, practiced brush lettering, Miracle Morning (morning routine), focused on my posture, 101 List work everyday, ate real breakfast, inktober, had tea everyday, took no escalators or elevators, (attempted to) meditate, listened to podcasts, cardio exercise, spring cleaning, UT bucket list/packing, meal planning, church focus, fun stuff (embracing type 1/yellow), limited phone and social media, spent time outdoors, NaNoWriMo, and listened to a new album everyday.

54. Read/watch/listen to 30 min+ of Japanese media each week and keep vocabulary lists

This one was really great, too. I got to watch such good stuff: Your Lie in April, Kamome Shokudou, Densha Otoko, the super old Anne of Green Gables anime, March Comes in Like a Lion, Yuri on Ice, I Live in Fear, Hidden Fortress, Ran, Aggretsuko, Orange, Napping Princess, My Hero Academia, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, The Boy and the Beast, Tsuredure Children, and I wrapped it all up with A Place Further Than the Universe. Such good stuff! I wasn't too great about keeping the vocabulary lists, but I definitely feel like this helps me keep up my language skills at least a little bit.

77. Watch 25+ new foreign films

Another great one. But oh, how I miss BYU's International Cinema! It was so easy to go see things there.

My favorites: The Three Colors trilogy, A Man Called Ove, Ikiru, Neruda, The Women's Balcony, Your Name, In This Corner of the World, Two Days One Night, Babette's Feast, and The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.

82. blog updates weekly

This post completes! I hope you have enjoyed!

88. Ponderize a scripture each week and handwrite that scripture each day

You all know where I stand on church things, so I'm actually surprised I stayed dedicated to this one. I did my favorites, I asked other people for their favorites, and I started into scriptures hinting at Heavenly Mother (did you know She is wisdom?). I did a terrible few weeks of going back and forth between D&C 25 and 132. I tried to do as much about women as I could, but it just serves as a reminder that we're not really there. What a great note to end on. :/

Well, that's it! A grand total of 81 items done! I was super optimistic aiming for 85,  but I at least beat my last list. I'm not sure if the future holds another 101 List for me right away. I've been contemplating other types of challenges, too. I did decide to do an art every day challenge for now (follow me on instagram @rebelwithoutanh), and it might be nice to focus on one thing for a while. We'll see. I'm sure I'll cook up some scheme sooner or later. 

Thanks for all of your support and for reading my ridiculous blog. You are all great!


Parker said...

This is a really cool podcast on Heavenly Mother that my sister recommended to me. I liked it. You're not alone in wanting more for/from women about women/womanhood/motherhood in the church.

Unknown said...

I have an opinion about this!

I happen to think Heavenly Mother is very important. I don't know why there is a taboo around Her, but I know it is purely cultural.

I didn't think about this much until I was married, but I think about it now, especially since having kids. Whatever Heavenly Mother is up to, she is just as busy and just as involved as Heavenly Father. She just doesn't share the spotlight.

I remember growing up hearing that Heavenly Father doesn't want us talking about Heavenly Mother because He doesn't want us taking Her name in vain. I think that's bullcrap justification. I think the real reason we don't hear about Her is that too many members of the Church wouldn't be able to handle it. It's the same reason black men couldn't hold the priesthood until 1978. Members of the Church can't handle change. There was no doctrinal reason they couldn't have the priesthood. In fact, Joseph Smith ordained several black men. When Brigham Young announced that black men could no longer be ordained, he himself said that it was only meant to be temporary. I'm pretty sure it was because of legal concerns involving slavery.

OK, so before this becomes a rant about priesthood, the point is that there are ideas ingrained into our worship practices that have nothing to do with doctrine or higher laws and people cling to them out of a misguided attempt to be faithful. Our Heavenly Mother is as real as our Heavenly Father. I want to know more about Her. And, I don't want my children to grow up thinking men do all the important things and women are only good for having babies and supporting their husbands. I know that isn't true because my wife is better than that and my daughters are better than that. They are amazing people with talents I am in awe of.

Sorry, that came out a bit more ranty than I intended. I just meant to say that I agree with the cause of learning more about Heavenly Mother.