Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Any Progress is Good Progress

This week:

I baked kouign amann with the invaluable assistance of Kellie Cat. 

Hubster and I tried out Scotland Yard, a Spiel de Jahres winning game where detectives track down Mister X through the streets of London and one person plays as Mister X. We quite enjoyed it!

I'm doing brush lettering for May's 30 day project and I think I'm getting okay? It's fun, at least! Hubster got me calligraphy pens you dip in ink for my b-day, so that might be another 30 day project.

I want to focus more and get items done all the way, but it's still satisfying to work slowly and make good progress. :)

1 comment:

Colette said...

Calligraphy!!! :-)