Lots to do and just 22 days left to do it in! Good thing I finished some goals this month!
2. digitally transcribe my journals [modified to all journals B.G]
- Finally!! This one has really probably taken the most time, haha. I'm glad to have them done, but I still have my recent ones to do (probably on the next list). But man, it has been a trip. Lots of present embarrassment for past Sara, but all that means is present Sara has grown! I don't know what past Sara would think of her, but present Sara is definitely proud of where she is.
8. pick me up list/Sara canon
- I aimed to do more with this one, too, to make it "official," but I can't hold myself to too high of standards. I'll get back to the fancy bullet journal spreads later maybe. :) It's absolutely enough that I have made the lists of my faves! I wrapped it up by making some playlists to help when I'm feeling down: youtube and spotify.
10. create a personal cookbook
- This transformed over the list. I was aiming to make a cute illustrated cookbook with my favorite recipes, but that just became too daunting. So what I have done is collect my favorite recipes from my pinterest boards and other places, and I've saved them in a Google Drive folder. And it's a good thing I did, because the recipe for my favorite cookies in the world disappeared! That is the danger of internet recipes, I guess, but I will combat it with my own collection!
35. watch 10 anime series
- I was aiming to finish NANA, but someone will not return the DVDs to the library!! Luckily I chose to watch Gankutusou this month after finally reading The Count of Monte Cristo. It was beautifully animated, but they took quite a few liberties with the plot. It only solidified my disgust for the Count, hahahaha.
72. complete 12 30-day projects
- Motivated by an upcoming dentist visit, I chose to floss everyday in January, hahaha. It was good! I'm always resistant toward flossing because I feel like it takes forever, and I feel like this month helped me make it feel like less of a big deal. It was also a nice easy project to wrap up with. I hope I can keep it feeling easy - my teeth have never been this clean.
11. study 12 famous chefs and cook 5 of their recipes each (11/12)
- This month I cooked with 2 chefs: Christina Tosi and Susan Feniger. Tosi was great, but like, all baked goods (I shouldn't have expected anything different, haha). Feniger was good, too! A lot of work, but good food. That's been my biggest complaint so far with these recipes - they are usually a little more involved. Worth the effort in the end, but it's just so much...effort, haha.
30. see 30 new international films (25/30)
- 3 movies this month: Rafiki (Kenya), Tanna (Vanuatu), and Woman At War (Iceland). I enjoyed all of them, but Woman at War was probably my favorite. It features great music - presented by on-screen musicians who are kind of characters in the film? It's delightful.
34. curate saved links
- I have realized this may be impossible. I've spent probably 10-20 hours working on this goal this month, and I feel nowhere close to finishing. I may change it to something smaller and more achievable to wrap up in the next three weeks.
73 items complete! We've crossed into passing grade territory, so I'm happy no matter what happens now. (Although I'm delighted to know I'm on track to complete quite a few more!) See you guys on Tuesday, 2/22/22!
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