67. carve a stamp
- Oh my goodness, this was so much fun. I just want to carve all the stamps now. I did this piece for my Decemberists lettering exchange with a friend. It's not even on Instagram yet, so consider yourselves lucky to get a sneak peak! If you want a print, just let me know! I have a stamp for it now, after all, so it's super easy to make you one!
- I'm calling this one - it's cold and my plants are dying, but I ate many tomatoes and much rosemary. I might plant a few things next year, but overall, it's kinda just easier to get them at the grocery store. It was fun, though!
3. study daily routines, develop one that works for me, and keep it for at least 6 months
- I finished reading Daily Rituals: Women at Work and it was SO GOOD. I want to get the book and then I can flip to a random page each day and work like that person to try things out. My next step is to also look up more about the daily habits of people I already like, so I can include them, too. Once I'm done researching, it will be time to implement.
21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (20/30)
- I got 4 again this month. I've been working through the Little House books, as most of them were nominated. I'm hoping to finish this goal by the end of the year, but we'll see how that goes.
23. see 30 new animated films (10/30)
- While visiting my niblings in Georgia, we saw Trolls. It was okay.
33. attend ECCC or another major con with Garrett
- We got tickets for ECCC for next year!! Now to brainstorm and create the perfect cosplays!
41. make a 24 hour comic each year (1/3)
- 24 Hour Comic Day is really for making a 24 page comic in 24 hours, but I use it as a comic journal and do a panel for every hour I'm awake. We happened to be in Canada with my in-laws for that weekend, so it ended up being a travel journal. You can see it posted on my Instagram here.
79. try 30 new salad/side dish recipes (2/30)
- We are terrible at eating veg, so this is a super necessary goal. So far I've made a really yummy cashew salad and for Halloween today I made "toxic waste" green mac n cheese - it had spinach and cauliflower in it, so I'm counting it!
No travel set for November (so far, haha), so it should be a little more productive. I'm committing to working at least a little bit on something 101 list related everyday this month, so hopefully I'll have some good things to report!
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