Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 2019 Update - A Decade of 101 Lists

It's the end of a decade, and in fact, the end of the decade in which I started doing these crazy lists. It's so weird to think I've had one on for the majority of the past ten years, but it's so hard to imagine life without one now at the same time.

48. attend a midnight or candlelight Christmas Eve service

  • We attended the midnight service at Eureka Methodist Church with my mom and her husband. It was pretty okay. I would have chosen a different one, but Mom was already going and it is right down the street from her isolated residence. They alternated between scripture readings and hymns and then they turned out the lights and we lit our candles before the last song - "Silent Night." I think I would go to one again if it was a larger church with a more involved service. 

97. get an iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and Procreate
  • On Black Friday, G and I were shopping in Spokane and we went to Best Buy where I found him grinning in a wily manner near the iPads after a restroom break for my tiny bladder. The way he was looking at me made me think he had already purchased one for me, but he had not. We tried one out and tested the different sizes and while very tempting, I still wasn't sold that it was the time to spend so much on myself, so we left. Then G launched into a very passionate defense of the purchase, saying that I'd already proven I can make art every day without it, and it's obviously something I'm going to continue doing, so I might as well level up my tools. Thinking of it more as a reward/investment changed my mind and we ordered one (along with Apple Pencil and case) when we got home! I wouldn't let him give it to me until Christmas, so I've just received it, and man, is it fun. I am looking forward to using it a ton and learning from Procreate tutorials this coming year!

23. see 30 new animated films (13/30)

  • We saw two new movies this month: Frozen II and Klaus. We enjoyed Klaus, mostly for the animation, as it's 2D, hand-drawn. Didn't super love the flow of the story, but it had some good moments. Frozen II, on the other hand, is a masterpiece. I've seen it twice this month and cried, like, the entire time both times. I love the music and the animation and the story. The story really resonates with me at this point in my life, so I think that's also why it has such a big impact, but heck, it's a good film. I've been listening to the soundtrack on repeat and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. I might even see this one in the theater a couple more times.
24. add 10 new enamel pins to my collection
  • G got me two new pins for Christmas! One is NSFTB (not safe for the blog - whoops!) and the other is a pink Pokemon cartridge with Jigglypuff on it, because we always joke about how I would want to play a Pokemon game with just the cuties. It also sparkles. :)
56. make and give 10 art gifts (9/10)
  • Christmas is over and if I had just made one more gift I could be done with this one!! I made so many things for people this year, though. I always worry that people won't appreciate my art gifts, but I think if they don't appreciate them, they're not the right people to give them to. Everyone I gifted to liked them immensely and it was a real self-esteem booster and it made me happy to have created something so personal for each of them, as well. 

59. publish a yearly best of list
  • I think this is replacing our Christmas newsletter, as it kind of contains everything we put in one anyway. :) As usual, it was super fun to look back on the year and put things together.

91. play 20 games from Board Game Geek's top 100 (4/20)
  • With many thanks to Emily and Jonathan, we played 3 new games just in the past 2 days! We played A Feast for Odin (liked it), 7 Wonders: Duel (loved it!), and Rising Sun (which was full of betrayal and disaster and I hate it, but I did get cute turtle strongholds).

2020 Focus:
15. Wilkes Weekly newsletter
16. visit 3 new National Parks (1/3)
17. create a workable studio space in our home
21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (22/30)
31. a year of (silly) holiday celebration
32. go to Japan with Garrett
33. attend ECCC or another major con with Garrett
44. see a touring Broadway show
46. keep a cleaning schedule throughout the list (I have been miserably terrible at this so far)
47. go through the Coverville backlog56. make and give 10 art gifts (9/10)
60. r/52weeksofcooking - year-long cooking challenge
75. get business cards
76. maintain a personal website
77. create an etsy shop
80. enter art into the county fair
87. cook all recipes from Spice Madam subscription (4/6)
99. complete a reading challenge
101. learn 10 new calligraphic hands

We'll see how things go! I'm optimistic heading into the new year!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Wow, 6 months, really? November 2019

Forgive me, as this will probably post in December, but please know that I started it on November 30th. :)

None, actually! Whoops! I did feel like I did a lot of work on things, though. Have some updates!


11. study 12 famous chefs and cook 5 of their recipes each (1/12)

  • I finished my last recipe from Molly Yeh - her recipes are such a delightful combination of cultures. 
17. create a workable studio space in our home
  • I lucked into some free art storage pieces when a friend was cleaning out their garage, so hopefully I can get this done soon! I should take a before picture, haha - it's pretty bad - but I have hopes it will be organized soon!
21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (22/30)
  • Just two this month, but I finished up the Little House books! I liked the last two best, probably. 
23. see 30 new animated films (11/20)
  • We saw Smallfoot yesterday evening, so we just squeezed it in for November! The message was a bit heavy-handed, but one that resonated with us deeply. We had originally written this one off as not worth our time, but I'm glad we watched it!
43. subscribe to 5 art magazines for a year (2/5)
  • I got year subscriptions for Bound and Lettered and Letter Arts Review from John Neal and they already sent me my first issues! The former is more instructional, and the latter more inspirational. I think they'll be good for me!
87. cook all recipes from Spice Madam subscription (4/6)
  • I got the New Orleans recipes done this month! Jambalaya, gumbo, maque choux, and roasted oyster mushrooms. Yum! I skipped the dessert, though, because it was deep-fried, and it didn't even use any of the spices from the box, haha. 2 more boxes to go and I'll be done (Israel and Goa, India)
91. play 20 games from Board Game Geek's top 100 (1/20)
  • We got the first one in: Agricola! It's a fun farming game and it's been around for a while - if it's still in the top 100, I guess you know it must be good (it was)! I might need to expand this to the top 200, or allow for replaying ones in the top 100 I've played before because otherwise this one is going to be very expensive, haha.

As 2019 wraps up, I'm thinking about plans for 2020! I'm currently planning on doing the year of holiday celebrations (#31), the year-long reading challenge (#99), and along with that, truly reading 100 books in a year on the list (#4). We'll also be going to ECCC (#33) and maybe even Japan, too, if we can swing it (#32)! I'm wrapping up my year of daily art (not even a 101 list item) and thinking about a year of beautiful writing for next year to focus on lettering and calligraphy (again, not even a 101 list item, but I may be getting a special Christmas gift that will help me with that and also fulfill a goal item :) [#97]). I probably need to add a cooking goal to 2020 so I'm not doing all the huge cooking projects in 2021, though. Gotta think it all through!

I also can't let 2020 take over quite yet - I have a few things to take care of in December still! I should have good updates for you next month. I hope you're all making it through this busy time of year! 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

5 months in! October 2019 Update

It's been a busy month! I ended up in Canada and Georgia, but never fear! I still got a few things done.


67. carve a stamp
  • Oh my goodness, this was so much fun. I just want to carve all the stamps now. I did this piece for my Decemberists lettering exchange with a friend. It's not even on Instagram yet, so consider yourselves lucky to get a sneak peak! If you want a print, just let me know! I have a stamp for it now, after all, so it's super easy to make you one!

83. grow a backyard garden

  • I'm calling this one - it's cold and my plants are dying, but I ate many tomatoes and much rosemary. I might plant a few things next year, but overall, it's kinda just easier to get them at the grocery store. It was fun, though!


3. study daily routines, develop one that works for me, and keep it for at least 6 months
  • I finished reading Daily Rituals: Women at Work and it was SO GOOD. I want to get the book and then I can flip to a random page each day and work like that person to try things out. My next step is to also look up more about the daily habits of people I already like, so I can include them, too. Once I'm done researching, it will be time to implement.
21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (20/30)
  • I got 4 again this month. I've been working through the Little House books, as most of them were nominated. I'm hoping to finish this goal by the end of the year, but we'll see how that goes.
23. see 30 new animated films (10/30)
  • While visiting my niblings in Georgia, we saw Trolls. It was okay.
33. attend ECCC or another major con with Garrett
  • We got tickets for ECCC for next year!! Now to brainstorm and create the perfect cosplays!
41. make a 24 hour comic each year (1/3)

  • 24 Hour Comic Day is really for making a 24 page comic in 24 hours, but I use it as a comic journal and do a panel for every hour I'm awake. We happened to be in Canada with my in-laws for that weekend, so it ended up being a travel journal. You can see it posted on my Instagram here.
79. try 30 new salad/side dish recipes (2/30)
  • We are terrible at eating veg, so this is a super necessary goal. So far I've made a really yummy cashew salad and for Halloween today I made "toxic waste" green mac n cheese - it had spinach and cauliflower in it, so I'm counting it!

No travel set for November (so far, haha), so it should be a little more productive. I'm committing to working at least a little bit on something 101 list related everyday this month, so hopefully I'll have some good things to report!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Month 4, here we are! The September 2019 Update!

I am very lucky I reviewed my priority list for it is 53 minutes until bedtime and I had not yet begun this blog post. It is very likely I would have forgotten completely. Lists save my life on the regular.


20. read 30 new graphic novels

  • Man, I love graphic novels. I read the last 13 I needed for the list this month. My favorites this month were Best Friends by Shannon Hale and LeYuen Pham, and the March series by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell. You can see my all the graphic novels I've read on my shelf on Goodreads here. If you've never read a graphic novel, please consider picking one up. If you have read some, read more! :)

62. complete Yoshi's Crafted World with Garrett

  • We did it! We got all the gems! This was the cutest game because it was designed to look hand-crafted. We loved looking at all the levels to see what they were made of. An extra bonus was the capsule machine in each level where you could trade your coins for unique costumes - I really could have played longer to get them all. It also has a mellow mode so I didn't have to worry about dying or falling (I am notoriously bad at platformers). I highly recommend this one!


2. digitally transcribe my journals

  • I did finish doing another, but it was the shortest of all of them. It will be harder work from here. Oh, dramatic past Sara.
4. read 100 books in a year
  • So technically I'm at 111 books for 2019 as of today, but I didn't read all of those during the list, so I'm not counting it for this year. This is the first time since I started using Goodreads (which was in 2010) that I've broken 100, though, so it's still cause for celebration!
11. study 12 famous chefs and cook 5 of their recipes each
  • I chose my first 2 chefs: Molly Yeh and Samin Nosrat. I squeezed in 4 of the 5 recipes from Molly (marzipan scone loaf. tater tot chicken pot hotdish. heck.), but I'm still learning about Salt Fat Acid and Heat from Samin. She is so wise.
16. visit 3 new National Parks (1/3)
  • We visited Crater Lake!! It was so. beautiful. heck. We just drove around - we missed the boat tours by a few weeks, so there wasn't much else to do. But it was so worth it just to drive around and view the lake from all sides. We also visited the Newberry National Volcanic Monument while we were in the area and I can't recommend that enough - obsidian flow, lava tube hiking, cinder cones, it's got everything you could ever want.

21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (16/30)
  • Chugging along on this one - I got 4 read this month. My favorite was The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. LeGuin. Studio Ghibli's Tales of Earthsea kind of turned me off of reading these books, so I'm glad I had to read this one for the list. It's way better than the movie, haha. And I had to read the first one, too, (A Wizard of Earthsea) so I wouldn't be lost even though it wasn't nominated, but I don't regret that read, either. I might just have to read the whole rest of the series!

23. see 30 new animated films (9/30)
  • We saw 4 this month! Penguin Highway, Okko's Inn, A Letter to Momo, and Missing Link. Okko's Inn was definitely the best of the 4, and I liked Penguin Highway, too. Unfortunately the other two weren't so great, but I sat through them nonetheless. I wanted to like them so much more. :( 
35. watch 10 anime series (1/10)
  • I finally introduced Hubster to My Love Story!! He loved it. He started affectionately calling the characters cuties and asking if I wanted to watch cuties. It's probably the fastest we've finished a series because he seriously wanted to watch it like, every night. I'm so glad.
56. make and give 10 art gifts (1/10)

  • It was also Hubster's birthday this month, so I got to make him something! I took a chalkboard art class back in May, so it was nice to finally use those skills. Ephemeral gifts totally count! 

73. get ourselves in financial shape for the future
  • We have a friend who is training to be a financial coach, so we lucked into getting to help her as she learns. We are on track to take charge of retirement savings, get wills made, and arrange for life insurance. (I know we should have had these already...that's why I put it on the list!) We will be all set soon, hopefully!
Alright! It's now 18 minutes til bedtime, so I better wrap this the heck up. October is looking to be busy, as usual, but I'm on track to make some good progress on things. The weather is finally cooling off and it makes me happy to sit in my studio and work on things. Happy fall to you all!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Coming to you live from Canada, it's the August update! (Month 3)

It's been a good month for the list! I've completed 4 whole goals!


1. renew my passport and use it

  • I'm currently in Vancouver for my old roommate's 30th birthday trip! We've had a lot of fun exploring and eating delicious food. While they didn't stamp my passport, I totally had to have it to cross the border. Now that I have it, the sky's the limit! Here's to more international travel!

12. try 30 new teas

  • I did it! This was very easy, hahaha. I still have more teas at home I need to try, so rest assured it will be many more than 30 in actuality by the end of this list. I wrapped it up with another chai flight, this time at David Rio Chai Bar and man, it was spectacular. This has been a great goal. It's really only whetted my appetite for more tea.

14. get new bras

  • Okay, I'm calling this one now. I returned 2 of the bras I bought before and then I found a Nordstrom Rack and bought 5 more bras to replace the 2 (and for the cost of the 2! Yeah, Nordstrom Rack!!). They're kind of all different sizes, but they all fit well. So I think I have more of a range than a size, and I also think I'm going to keep shopping at Nordstrom Rack. In addition, I actually found a high support sports bra which is something I've been wanting for a long while, so this is really over and above the original goal. Hooray! I'm justifying the large cost involved in all this because I haven't purchased bras for 5 years, so if I spread my expense over 5 years, it's really quite reasonable, haha.
100. eat a Spaceburger
  • So a delicacy of the Grant County Fair (where we live) is the Spaceburger. We went to the fair last year, saw the huge lines for them and kept walking on by. I later found out that they are essentially Uncrustables, but burgers. They take ground beef, lettuce, and special sauce, put it between 2 slices of bread, then use their special machines to seal the edges and crisp the outside. I also learned that they are apparently the thing to eat at the fair. So I put it on my list. We went to the fair again this year, determined to wait for these galactic treats. We waited for 45 minutes. Hubster went and got some cinnamon elote and we ate that while we were waiting for them. I'm really glad we got that elote because that meant we ate one delicious thing that night (too harsh?). The Spaceburgers weren't terrible, but they weren't really great, either. Way hyped up, way not worth the wait. Oh well! That elote made it all okay.

In progress/updates:

2. digitally transcribe my journals

  • I finished transcribing one whole journal! This really is going to take forever, but I'll be so glad to have them digitized. I'm always paranoid that there will be a fire and I'll lose them. Maybe I should get a fire-proof box or something in the meantime.

18. try 20 new ice creams (local companies) (6/20)

  • Tillamook Sweet Cream Gelato has been the best find so far. Delish!

20. read 30 new graphic novels (17/30)

  • Over halfway now! I squeezed 4 in this month and I have a veritable shelf-full waiting for me at home that I've checked out from the library. I just can't resist when they look so good! My favorite this month was Anne of Green Gables the graphic novel. So delightful, such cute illustrations.

21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (12/30)

  • Only 2 this month. One very good - Wolf Hollow, and one, not so much - Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon.

23. see 30 new animated films (5/30)

  • I got 2 in this month: Lu Over the Wall and Early Man. We really liked Lu. Early Man was okay. Nothing beats early Aardman.

24. add 10 new enamel pins to my collection (1/10)

  • I bought my first pin today! It's a pastel glitter rainbow and I love it. I've been looking for something to show some pride and I think this is perfect. Plus, it was made in Halifax, so totally counts as a Canadian souvenir.
83. grow a backyard garden
  • I grew a tomato and I ate it! I apparently left the cucumbers on the vine too long (they're not supposed to be yellow). Whoops! My tomato was delicious!! I've got a few more that are ripening. The cilantro died, but the mint and rosemary are going strong!

August didn't really end up being too quiet or too at home, haha. I guess I am always going to be busy. I should really accept that that's just part of my nature. We have trips planned in September, and I'm making plans to stay busy around town. My calligraphy guild starts back up, too! It will be busy, but that's how I like it. :) I'm excited for a new month and new plans!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July, July, Julyyyy: Month 2

I've completed my first goal of the list!


61. teach a calligraphy class

  • I taught beginning brush lettering on July 16th! I had 5 students and they all did a great job. I was super nervous about it and actually probably over-prepared, haha, but I already have ideas on how to make things better for the next class (if enough people sign up for it...everyone come take my class - you can sleep on my couch). Overall, I'm really glad I did this! I need to decide if calligraphy is something I want to pursue professionally and I think this was a good first step to test the waters. 

In Progress/Updates:

1. renew my passport and use it

  • My passport came and I have 2 trips planned to Vancouver, BC!
2. digitally transcribe my journals
  • I started on this one and I have two comments: this is going to take forever, and middle school Sara is the most ridiculous person ever.
12. try 30 new teas (15/30)
  • I've tried more teas when I've been out lately and that's been lots of fun. Halfway through!
14. get new bras
  • I got sized again and spent way too much money on bras. I'm having second thoughts about the fit, so I'm not calling this complete quite yet.
20. read 30 new graphic novels (13/30)
  • Again, so many good graphic novels. Heck to the heck. I only got 5 in this month, but I read some real good ones: the second volume of The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited and Real Friends, based on Shannon Hale's life!!
21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (10/30)
  • Lots of traveling this month, aka, I read lots of books on planes! 8 Newberys done this month! Long Way Down was depressing, but good, Millions of Cats I can kind of say the same thing for? It also had lovely hand lettering. And I finally read My Father's Dragon!
23. see 30 new animated films (3/30)
  • We saw My Little Pony: The Movie and it was delightful. I am reminded how happy MLP makes me and how I need to catch up on the series!
58. see 30 new documentaries (3/30)
  • I watched all three this month! I saw Period. End of Sentence, Chef Flynn, and The Biggest Little Farm - all super enjoyable. The Biggest Little Farm had a wonderful scene of a sheep covered in snails that I will remember for the rest of my life.
62. complete Yoshi's Crafted World with Garrett
  • We've gotten 2 of the 5 gems back so far! This game is the cutest thing in the world.
83. grow a backyard garden
  • I have baby tomatoes and cukes!!! I also used some of my rosemary in soup. Next I want to make some mint syrup. Yum!
87. cook all recipes from Spice Madam subscription (2/6)
  • This month I got Japan, which was a little disappointing because I had eaten most everything they included. And I didn't think the spices were really spices (seaweed is not a spice. miso is not a spice. the shichimi passed). But I cooked them all, anyway!

And of course I'm still working on my dailies and monthlies, never fear! 

I've been traveling a lot this month, so I'm looking forward to a little quieter August for work at home. I've been thinking more about my habits and time management so I'm excited to maybe start implementing some things on that front (#3).

Hope you all had a good July! Anything else you want to see from my updates?

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Monthly Update 1: June 2019

Hello! We are one month in to this fourth crazy endeavor of mine. I'm happy to report I have made some progress already.

1. renew my passport and use it

  • the passport has been mailed in for renewal! I've been putting this off for like a full year now, so I figured putting it on the list would motivate me to get it done. That, and we have a trip planned to Vancouver in September! Once I got to looking at what was actually required, it wasn't even that much work. Now I just have to wait for it to come back!
3. study daily routines, develop one that works for me, and keep it for at least 6 months
  • I read the book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey and got all sorts of lovely ideas. There are many different ways of working, but it seems a consensus is you're only going to get about 3 hours of productive, concentrated creative work a day, so I've been trying to keep 3 hours of studio time daily. It's been good so far! I'm far from starting the official 6 month count, though. I want to do a little more research and fine tune things before I commit to "my" routine.
12. try 30 new teas (10/30)
  • I am off to a running start on this one - I've tried 10 new teas! I have quite the backlog in my tea cabinet (so much that I had to devote a whole cabinet to tea in our new place), so it's been good to start working through them. I also got a chai tea flight when we visited Portland so I got to try 5 different teas right there (at Pip's Donuts and Chai - highly recommended - mini donuts!!).
18. try 20 new ice creams (local companies) (3/20)
  • Yum! I tried a new Tillamook flavor - Monster Cookie, and we had Salt and Straw in Portland - olive oil and mint chocolate chip (separately, for 3 new flavors).
20. Read 30 new graphic novels (8/30)
  • Oh heck, I'm gonna finish this one soon. I've got 8 read already and I'm working on number 9. I just love graphic novels. My favorites so far have been Soppy by Philippa Rice and Brazen by Penelope Bagieu.
21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books (1/30)
  • I read my first Newbery: The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes, and I'm working on number 2: The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. Heck, I love kids' books. 
23. see 30 new animated films (2/30)
  • We saw Toy Story 4 opening weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it, then watched Mirai, Mamoru Hosoda's newest film, and were flummoxed by his choice to have an adult woman voice a 6-year-old child. Other than that, it was a cute story (the English dub sounds like it might bother me less - they actually got a kid).
30. see 30 new international films (1/30)
  • I saw Restaurant of the Sky, a Japanese film, on a work flight. It was pretty okay.
46. keep a cleaning schedule throughout the list
  • Okay, so I've already been not so great at this, but I've also cleaned more in the past month than I probably did over 6 months in our last place, hahaha, so I'm allowing it. I'm taking steps to make cleaning more convenient (like keeping cleaning cloths out on the counter so I wipe things instead of leaving them), and it's already helped. I think I also need to take the cleaning schedule I've been "using" and adapt it to more of my comfort level (AKA cleaning less often). I'm not a neat freak and I'm able to function with clutter, so cleaning is just less of a priority for me. I do know I need to do it a little more often, though.
47. go through the Coverville backlog
  • Coverville is a great cover song podcast that my co-worker introduced me to a while ago. I super love cover songs, so I've been wanting to go back and find the gems I've missed in older episodes. So I've incorporated this into my studio time and it's been lovely. (If you want to, you can find me on Spotify and listen to my epic covers playlist where I'm adding my new finds, username: emmisary)
83. grow a backyard garden
  • We have a little patio at our new place, and we're finally making use of the planter boxes we got from some moving friends. I planted cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes, mint, cilantro, and rosemary. So far they're thriving (I have three flowers on my tomato plant!), which is a bit opposite my history with plants, so fingers crossed they keep on! 
87. cook all recipes from Spice Madam subscription (1/6)
  • I was gifted a spice subscription box - each month is a different country. They send you the spices and recipes and you make the meals. This month I cooked everything from the Iran box and it was delicious!

88. support 20 local restaurants/businesses (1/20)
  • There's not too much variety as far as restaurants go around here. There was a place that piqued our interest that ended up closing down before we could go, and we are still kicking ourselves about it, so I instituted this goal. We won't let that happen again! This month we tried one of the few Chinese restaurants in town and we are happy to report it is pretty normal Chinese food, haha.
89. get marimo and keep them alive
  • G got me marimo for our anniversary!! So this one was completed much sooner than I thought it would be. Though, I technically said I had to keep them alive. Should I count it? They've been alive for 2 weeks now, haha. Let's set a time frame - if I can keep them alive for one year, we'll call it good. They're very low maintenance, but who knows? I thought I had a photo of them, but I don't and I'm not home. I'll post one for you guys soon. Rest assured they are very happy moss balls.

Dailies + Monthlies: I've been keeping a daily logbook (#6), I celebrated and posted my first French Fryday on instagram (#7), this is my first monthly update (#25)!

Whew! That was a lot! 

Overall, I'm really pleased with how much reading I've been doing. I felt it was lacking in my life recently, so this was the perfect kick I needed to read more. It's a goal to hit 100 books in a year during the list, but I might just hit 100 books every year!

Hope you all had a good June! Here's to a just-as-productive July!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Am I crazy? Probably.

After five months, I'm realizing that I've become so accustomed to having a 101 list that it's actually kind of difficult to stay focused without one. Especially after having moved and quitting full-time work, I've felt really aimless lately. I'm being super ambitious again, but would it really be Sara's 101 list if I wasn't?

101 in 1001 IV
5/28/19 - 2/22/22

1. renew my passport and use it
2. digitally transcribe my journals
3. study daily routines, develop one that works for me, and keep it for at least 6 months
4. read 100 books in a year
5. digitize my lifebox
6. keep a daily logbook
7. monthly French Frydays
8. pick me up list/Sara canon
9. enter a recipe contest
10. create a personal cookbook
11. study 12 famous chefs and cook 5 of their recipes each
12. try 30 new teas
13. volunteer for 100+ hours
14. get new bras
15. Wilkes Weekly newsletter
16. visit 3 new National Parks
17. create a workable studio space in our home
18. try 20 new ice creams (local companies)
19. [redacted]
20. read 30 new graphic novels
21. read 30 new Newbery award or honor books
22. read 30 new Caldecott award or honor books
23. see 30 new animated films
24. add 10 new enamel pins to my collection
25. monthly blog updates
26. attend high tea at a tea house
27. visit a new Shakespeare festival
28. visit Stonerose
29. join a choir
30. see 30 new international films
31. a year of (silly) holiday celebration
32. go to Japan with Garrett
33. attend ECCC or another major con with Garrett
34. curate saved links
35. watch 10 anime series
36. [redacted]
37. get a laptop monitor
38. recover last.fm songs
39. export playlists
40. knit a year-long line-a-day scarf
41. make a 24 hour comic each year
42. complete 10 unfinished series (reading, watching, etc.)
43. subscribe to 5 art magazines for a year
44. see a touring Broadway show
45. Curated Closet
46. keep a cleaning schedule throughout the list
47. go through the Coverville backlog
48. attend a midnight or candlelight Christmas Eve service
49. read the apocrypha
50. keep a swipe file
51. study artistic family tree
52. learn 1 song on piano
53. get all the Stardew Valley achievements
54. create an illustrated Pokemon ABCs
55. ultimate lucky New Year's meal
56. make and give 10 art gifts
57. exercise twice weekly for the duration of the list
58. see 30 new documentaries
59. publish a yearly best of list
60. r/52weeksofcooking - year-long cooking challenge
61. teach a calligraphy class
62. complete Yoshi's Crafted World with Garrett
63. [redacted]
64. learn to digitize calligraphy
65. modify a thrift store painting
66. make a needle felt cactus
67. carve a stamp
68. make 5 resin items
69. display 5 pieces of my art
70. attend IAMPETH or other large calligraphy convention
71. make a chalkboard art bookshelf
72. complete 12 30-day projects
73. get ourselves in financial shape for the future
74. copy a book by hand
75. get business cards
76. maintain a personal website
77. create an etsy shop
78. keep a visual journal/artistic bullet journal for 3 months
79. try 30 new salad/side dish recipes
80. enter art into the county fair
81. make a zine
82. [redacted]
83. grow a backyard garden
84. make hotpot
85. recreate 20 meals from media
86. develop a budget and stick to it for a year
87. cook all recipes from Spice Madam subscription
88. support 20 local restaurants/business
89. get marimo and keep them alive
90. try screen printing
91. play 20 games from Board Game Geek's top 100
92. see a new Claes Oldenburg sculpture
93. recreate the Epcot bundt cake
94. create a pasta cuteness scale
95. healthy food plan for 3 months
96. wikipedia cooking challenge
97. get an iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and Procreate
98. Treat Yo Self
99. complete a reading challenge
100. eat a Spaceburger
101. learn 10 new calligraphic hands

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Complete: The Final Items

I can't believe my list is over tomorrow! At this point I'm usually scrambling to see what I can finish on the last day, but I'm honestly feeling a bit burnt out this time around. With today being the last blog day I've been aiming to have things finished by today, anyway. So maybe this was really 101 goals in 1000 days, haha.

These last few items are ones I've been working on for a while.

9. For every feature film I watch during the list, watch a documentary

I wanted to do this to "make up" for watching feature films. I figured I could cancel out the nonsense with a documentary. I ended up watching 125 feature films, and thus 125 documentaries. Heck. That's really not that much for almost 3 years, though. I did find that I wasted less time on films because I knew I'd have to watch a doc, hahah. 

Some favorites: Hoop Dreams, Chef's Table, Babies, Ken Burns: The Address, Life Animated, The Million Dollar Duck, Baraka, Planet Earth, Victorian Slum House, The Eagle Huntress, I Am Not Your Negro, Mind of a Chef (don't worry, I had to watch multiple episodes of TV docs to equal a feature film), Faces Places, Scott's Pizza Tours, Believer, Won't You Be My Neighbor?, Sacred Sound, Half the Sky, RBG, and Salt Fat Acid Heat.

16. Finish a grown-up coloring book

I didn't really enjoy this one, but I said I was going to do it, so I forced my way through the "Geometrical Grown Up Coloring Book" my mom got me at Dollar Tree. I am terrible at picking colors, so eventually I randomized it with a d6 and 20. That made things a little better. I did find some good color combos, but that was about the only benefit. I feel like it stressed me out more than it helped me relax.

25. Take one second of footage everyday for a year

So so so so proud of this. Please enjoy if you haven't already:

38. Complete a 30-day project each month for 2 years

I did this! I really like 30-day projects. It's just enough to try something new, but not get too burnt out on it. I did: the dishes every night, practiced banjo, wore earrings, read for one hour, practiced brush lettering, Miracle Morning (morning routine), focused on my posture, 101 List work everyday, ate real breakfast, inktober, had tea everyday, took no escalators or elevators, (attempted to) meditate, listened to podcasts, cardio exercise, spring cleaning, UT bucket list/packing, meal planning, church focus, fun stuff (embracing type 1/yellow), limited phone and social media, spent time outdoors, NaNoWriMo, and listened to a new album everyday.

54. Read/watch/listen to 30 min+ of Japanese media each week and keep vocabulary lists

This one was really great, too. I got to watch such good stuff: Your Lie in April, Kamome Shokudou, Densha Otoko, the super old Anne of Green Gables anime, March Comes in Like a Lion, Yuri on Ice, I Live in Fear, Hidden Fortress, Ran, Aggretsuko, Orange, Napping Princess, My Hero Academia, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, The Boy and the Beast, Tsuredure Children, and I wrapped it all up with A Place Further Than the Universe. Such good stuff! I wasn't too great about keeping the vocabulary lists, but I definitely feel like this helps me keep up my language skills at least a little bit.

77. Watch 25+ new foreign films

Another great one. But oh, how I miss BYU's International Cinema! It was so easy to go see things there.

My favorites: The Three Colors trilogy, A Man Called Ove, Ikiru, Neruda, The Women's Balcony, Your Name, In This Corner of the World, Two Days One Night, Babette's Feast, and The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.

82. blog updates weekly

This post completes! I hope you have enjoyed!

88. Ponderize a scripture each week and handwrite that scripture each day

You all know where I stand on church things, so I'm actually surprised I stayed dedicated to this one. I did my favorites, I asked other people for their favorites, and I started into scriptures hinting at Heavenly Mother (did you know She is wisdom?). I did a terrible few weeks of going back and forth between D&C 25 and 132. I tried to do as much about women as I could, but it just serves as a reminder that we're not really there. What a great note to end on. :/

Well, that's it! A grand total of 81 items done! I was super optimistic aiming for 85,  but I at least beat my last list. I'm not sure if the future holds another 101 List for me right away. I've been contemplating other types of challenges, too. I did decide to do an art every day challenge for now (follow me on instagram @rebelwithoutanh), and it might be nice to focus on one thing for a while. We'll see. I'm sure I'll cook up some scheme sooner or later. 

Thanks for all of your support and for reading my ridiculous blog. You are all great!