Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Complete: 18. Make bottle cap magnets + 63. Take a dance class with Garrett

Two for you this week, despite being on Christmas vacation!

Bottle cap magnets were kind of intimidating because I needed to use resin to make them. I ordered the resin months ago and finally the pressure of the deadline helped me work up the courage to do it. I poured sprinkles and seed beads in the bottom of the bottle caps, mixed up my resin, and poured it on top. You have to let resin cure, so I left it all alone for 48 hours, then added felt to the seed bead ones to make mini pies. The sprinkles I left bare. I think they turned out pretty cute! Resin is still a little scary (I ruined a paintbrush), but this did make me want to experiment with it more. I want to preserve more tiny things.

G and I started taking square dancing lessons because it's one of the few fun things we could find to do in town. Luckily they coincided with my goal! We started in September, and we're still not officially done, but since we've been going a while and we're on Christmas break, I am declaring it good enough! We've learned lots of moves, but haven't attended an actual dance yet. Once they graduate us, I think we'll know enough to attend. We only have a few weeks left.

Hope you all had a good Christmas!

8 days left and only a few more goals needed to break my Redux record!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Those little pies are SO CUTE!! And the sprinkle ones are so happy :) You'll have to record some of your dance moves and share them sometime! I'm sure you two are awesome!