Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Complete: 42. Find the best waffle recipe [replaced] + 92. Catch up on Adventure Time

2 more! We're at 47 items complete. Moving right along!

I replaced the waffle recipe item. I've been avoiding gluten for health reasons and while finding an ultimate recipe really appealed to me, I couldn't decide on something else to replace waffles. Maybe I should have replaced it with finding the best non-waffle item you could make in a waffle iron, but I happened to find myself in possession of ~70 lbs. of apples this week and took the opportunity to do something else I've always wanted to do: learn to can.

Many thanks to my friend, Jeska, who has all the gear and guided me in our canning adventure. We ended up with 18 quarts of applesauce! I feel much less intimidated by canning now, but I don't know if I'll be doing it solo anytime soon, hahaha. It's also much easier to do with two people.

Catching up on Adventure Time: The series officially ended this month, and we were able to watch the final season this weekend (Thanks, Parker!!). It was so bittersweet, but I loved seeing how far the characters have come over the series. Especially seeing Finn go from solving all problems by fighting to trying to talk things out in the end. And wrapping it all up with music was so perfect. Oh, this show. I feel like I should have more things to say about it, but just know that I've enjoyed the storytelling, the characters, and everything. It's really such a great show.

I hear it's going to continue in comic form, too, so I won't have to say goodbye forever. :) 

Okay! Blog complete! Off to work on more things!

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