Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Complete: 23. Host a Rummikub tournament

It wasn't integral, but I was really hoping I could get this one done before we left. All my Rummikub homies live here! My mom, especially, is the biggest Rummikub fan I know. She was so jazzed about the tournament - she's still talking about how much fun it was.

1st place (top) to 7th place (bottom)
Hubster and I are the Alpha and Omega of Rummikub

Macey's ran a great sale on Red Button that perfectly coincided with the tournament, so I bought 7 of them, and we sampled as we played.

With that, I just need to have Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake (limited fall flavor, so I'll have to visit) and the elusive Lime Rickey Sherbet, which was no where to be found. Hopefully we can track it down before we go. 

I keep calling the Draper aquarium so I can experience their penguins, but nobody wants to talk to me. I hope I can get that scheduled soon. 
I'd feel pretty fake going to a Utah Old Time Fiddlers meeting when I'm completely out of practice musically, and we're probably not going to be able to squeeze in a trip to New Mexico with everything going on, too. We did get a picture in Florida, so maybe I'll allow one sub state. I'm all about making things achievable.

1 comment:

Colette said...

Awesome job, Alpha and Omega. ;-)