Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Just 491 days left on my list, which means I'm a little over halfway done!

I've gotten 17 items done so far, which is great. I have a lot more in progress and I'd say about 10 are close to being completed.

I've made a lot of progress just in the last month with my 101 focus:
I finished 2 whole goals!
I read one volume of manga, watched 6 documentaries, read one Shakespeare play, watched 4 Ghibli movies, tried one new local restaurant, finished one LDS President biography, read a few books off my shelves, and listened to 5 episodes of This American Life.

To keep this pace up, I've got to keep working hard even if it's not 101 List focus month. I'm going to set new weekly and monthly goals and hopefully stick to them, as I still have a lot of work ahead of me.

Watch one documentary
Read or get rid of a book from the shelves
Do some Turking
Read an Uchtdorf talk

Read one volume of Yakitate
Watch Good Eats and make a recipe
Cook with Dog
Read 2 Shakespeare plays
Watch 2 Yakitate episodes
Read an LDS President biography
Cook a new recipe from a new country
Watch an international film
Try a new flavor of Red Button
Listen to 2 This American Lifes

There's a lot on the list that I can't chip away at, so I have to keep those in mind, too. I just gotta live every day like it's 101 List Focus Month!

1 comment:

Colette said...

I can join in on some of these now! International Cinema? :-)