Wednesday, March 15, 2017

An attempt at item #74

Which of course is to find out my blood type and donate, if possible.

Our stake had a blood drive this past Saturday, so I thought, perfect opportunity! I'd tried to donate in the past but my iron has always been too low. Doctors confirmed I was anemic and since I've been taking iron supplements, I thought I might stand a chance to donate now.

All was clear and good (yay iron!) and they got me up on the chair and needled. A few minutes into it I started feeling light headed, but I wanted to make a full donation, so they coached me to lift my legs and cough to get the blood flowing. Towards the end my legs started seizing up. My speech slurred and then I couldn't move any part of my body. It was terrifying to say the least.

I'm obviously okay (hello, I'm typing this!), but in all the hubbub I didn't remember to ask about blood typing. I did manage to make a full donation, so I guess I'm technically partially done on this one? I've seen typing kits on Amazon, so I might just take matters into my own hands. Who knows if I'll ever feel up to donating again.

Also, can we just tell my body to stop being such a jerk? My knee is still scabbed from my fall and now I have to deal with super sore legs from them you know, spasming. Heck. Just take it easy, bod.


Colette said...

Yikes! I'm glad you're ok!

As far as blood type... could they do that as part of normal labs at your doctor's office?

Sara P said...

Oh, they probably could! I've had a lot of blood work done recently, but they've never mentioned it. Maybe I'll ask next time. Julie also said they send you a card after donating with your blood type, so I still might get it from the Red Cross!