Let me tell you about the Up Series.
It started in 1964 when some British dudes decided to interview a bunch of 7-year-olds. They decided that interviewing a 7-year-old could give you insight into who they would grow up to be.
They've checked in with those 7-year-olds every seven years, giving us Seven Plus Seven, 14 Up, 21 Up, 28 Up, 35 Up, 42 Up, and lastly 56 Up, made in 2012. It's been a really fascinating series, and interesting to see where they all end up.
Some of the kids you hated at 7, you still hate at 56, but some of them surprise you. Some of them, you like all the way through, because they're just awesome. It's so happy to watch them find spouses and have children, and heartbreaking to see them divorce. I found myself just so excited to watch the next documentary because I needed to know what happened to them.
I know I don't really know them, but I kind of feel like I do. 63 Up will come out after my list is finished, so I can call this one complete, but I'm so excited to check in with my friends again soon!
P.S. We got photos taken, so that's one year down, two to go for item 58.
That series sounds so cool! Where can you watch it?
Also, your pictures are adorable.
We checked out the DVD set at the library here. It's not online as far as I know. Maybe your Libraries! have them!
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