Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The 101 List

Guys. I finished my 101 list. Well, finished in that it is over. I got 68 completed, which I think is a pretty good job, if I do say so myself. Especially since I was only aiming for 50%. Take that, list!
 I am definitely planning on another 101 list, but I'm taking a month or so to recuperate and reassess. So expect greatness!

Following are the pictures I took for each task completed (per #52). Thanks for your support over the years! Man. It really has been years. It feels like yesterday that I started, but here we are. You people are the best people. Please keep being the best.

1. purchase a disco ball

 2. write a song

3. hike timp

4. run a 5k

6. visit a new country

8. pay off my loan

10. keep a dream journal

11. NaNoWriMo

13. make an item of clothing

14. batting cages

17. read my height in books

18. one month of no fast food

19. road trip to somewhere i've never been

22. learn 10 songs on guitar

22. attend a convention in costume

23. see three bands in concert i've been meaning to see

26. ghibli movie marathon

27. MoMA

28. read the ensign monthly for a year

31. get a caricature

32. send a secret to postsecret

34. facebook fast for one week

35. host a fancy dinner party

36. attend a film festival

37. do some volunteer work

39. go to 20 museums

40. take a photo class

41. attend a midnight premiere in costume

42. defeat windwaker

45. get a mani/pedi

46. create a wall-spanningly huge work of art

47. go geocaching

48. go to 20 new restaurants

50. see a play on broadway

51. go barefoot for a day

52. take a picture for each task completed (i didn't take a picture for this one - too meta, still calling it good)

53. grow a plant from a seed

54. cedar point. live it. love it.

55. go to the dentist

56. for one month, pay for everything in cash and save the change

58. pass jlpt 2

59. wreck this journal

61. fold 1000 cranes

63. keytar?!?!

64. buy and eat a rotisserie chicken

66. hourly comics

68. stay up for 24 hours straight for good reason

70. kiss someone at midnight on new year's

72. every week, listen to a new album as recommended by a friend

[redacted :)]

76. write real letters to friends

77. create and upload a video to youtube

78. blog tri-weekly for a month

79. journal hourly for one week

80. for one day, make all decisions with a magic 8 ball

83. read the standard works straight through

84. learn how to say garlic in 20 languages

85. watch 50 new movies

87. wear makeup everyday for a week

89. leave a 100% tip

90. pull the prank of a lifetime

91. watch a scary movie with a boy

92. one week of no spending money

95. go to the movies alone

96. buy crazy eyeshadows

97. go to the wizarding world of harry potter

98. cook 50 new recipes

101. spend $50+ on a meal for myself


Richelle T. said...
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Richelle T. said...

Your wall-spanning painting turned out so wonderful! And congrats on getting so much of your list done. You ARE awesome!

Unknown said...

That was awesome Sarah! Good job!!

Laurie said...

Bah! The Magic 8 Ball day! Such a great day! You are supa cool for finishing so much of your list! Dare I even say, inspiring?! Yes, yes I dare.

Parker said...

I approve. Stamp of approval. APPROVED See? That's the stamp.

Colette said...

You are the coolest and I feel honored that I got to participate in some of these things with you (and even make it to the pictures).

Hopefully we can do more things together on your next 101 list. ;-)

Also... thanks for inspiring me to create my own list. Your influence keeps spreading!

Kellie said...

Good job! I only got through 51.... next time, next time.

Mariah :) said...

I really like the googly eyes on all the food in the fridge!

Sarah the Older Sister said...

I enjoyed witnessing so of this while it was happening , thanks for the recap now that you are done!