Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Hullo lovers,

I'm really feeling great from all your comments recently. Thank you and thank you (and thank you).

I want to talk about Lent, and here is why:
Because I'm actually going to do something for it this year.

1. I'm giving up sweets, along with my roommate. I'm mostly doing this to support her, as it really won't be too hard. The only things I consistently have are fancy chocolate bars and fancy sodas. Which will be a good money-saver. And I think the only hard thing will be turning down sweets in social settings. Because EVERYONE thinks that EVERYONE wants to eat brownies. Or cookies. Or cake. And that, my friends, it not always the case.

2. This is the hard one. I'm giving up mornings.
But Sara, you might say, how does one give up mornings? I will tell you. It is like this:
In my current state, I usually wake up at about 9:30, get ready for work and leave my house by 10 at the latest. I rarely have time for anything besides actively getting ready.
Starting tomorrow, I'm getting up everyday (except maybe Saturdays. Haven't decided.) at 8:30 am at the very latest. And every morning I'm going to read my scriptures. For at least a half hour. If Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days straight, surely I can give him a measly half hour daily. I will also do other things. Like journal. Or listen to a conference talk. Or simply shower or make my lunch. You know.

So anyway. I feel great about this. I'm affecting change and that's always good. Who knows? Maybe I'll lose some weight. Maybe I'll learn all the mysteries of the universe. Whatever happens, I'm pretty sure I'll be better for it by the end of things.

Best wishes for your success,

1 comment:

Colette said...

I told you this already, but good post. You definitely are going to be better by the end of this (if that's possible). And... Thanks for your support. This whole no dessert thing may be a bit rough since everyone is always shoving sweets in my face.