I'm seeing all these people posting things they are thankful for since it's November. Like one for each day and such. So I decided to join in, even though I'm already writing enough words a day to fill a bucket.
Three today since I'm starting late:
#1 - I'm thankful for my lovely lappy, without which I would be writing my NaNoWriMo novel by hand. I can get much higher word counts if I'm typing. :) My lappy also lets me watch adorably hilarious cat videos. Like this one.
#2 - I'm thankful for sheep because a) they are adorable and b) they are actually pretty fascinating. Did you know a sheep has such good peripheral vision that they can see behind them when facing forward? And they also have super sharp senses to better run away from all those predators.
#3 - I'm thankful for claw machines. A friend has recently taken me into his tutelage and taught me the ways of the machine. You might not realize how much science and thought goes into the well-played claw drop, but really, it's art. And I've come to appreciate it. But mostly, I really enjoy the thrill that comes when you win something. My sensei says it's not about the toys, it's about beating the system. And I have to agree with him. The toys are crap.
Speaking about one farm animal always leads me to another, hence: did you know cows moo in accents!? Actually, let's get real . . . your probably already did know that.
I'm handwriting my novel for NaNoWriMo... until I get too far behind in my word count, that is... ;-)
Who are you on NaNoWriMo.org, so I can add you as a writing buddy? I'm Mariah B. Forre
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