Well, thanks to blogger being down for some days, I'm going to have to post twice on Saturday.
Does this still count? Should I start over next month? I'll say this one counts because, though it's technically Saturday, it's still Friday to me since I haven't gone to bed yet. Opinions, please.
So, my boss keeps bees.
Thursday at work he needed to check and see if his hives had accepted their queens, so he enlisted my help to do so. I got to wear big gloves and a netted hat and it felt very Pushing Daisies.
While the prospects were frightening, it actually wasn't too bad once we got out there. Honeybees are really very gentle, and they attack only as a last resort. My job was to spray them with sugar water so that they would be even more docile and to use a bee brush to move bees off of the frames and things that we were trying to get to. We found that both queens had been accepted, and after removing some comb that they had built in the wrong place (aka in the way of the frames and feeder), we were done.
I was honestly surprised I didn't freak out more, and now I am actually considering keeping bees at some point in the future...
So, yeah. Bees!
1 comment:
I think you now just have to finish off this month AND do it next month too.
But that may be because I just like hearing about your life.
Also, I hear your birthday bash is today!! AWESOME I wish I could be there!
And I love this bee adventure story. I think that is such a cool experience! Maybe you will raise bees, now!! :D
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