It's not me. I really don't feel like a bread master even though I've made like 5 loaves this month!
Julie, the true bread master, helped me make her 90 Minute Bread recipe and taught me (well, reminded me of) her secret to delicious, soft bread. You rub butter on it when it comes out of the oven!
I want to be a baker like Julie. She could smell the bread and knew it wasn't done yet. She's been baking for years, though. I've got a long way to go.
I think I might try just one more recipe for bread before I move along to the next 4 weeks. Many suggestions have been received regarding the oven situation, and I feel like I need to test it again with adjustments. I also just want to prove I can make a decent loaf all by myself!
This has also really made me want to bake a loaf a week for a year on my next list. But who knows? I may find another bake I love even more before the end of all this!