Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Very Good News

You guys.

I have my first real instagram follower who isn't someone I already know.

I mean, I have plenty of business accounts who follow me and like stuff all the time, but I'm pretty sure they're not real.

She commented and said I had great taste and she would eat everything I've posted and she liked, like, everything.

A real person sees value in what I'm doing! Not that you guys aren't real people, it's just nice to feel validated by someone objective.

And since I've included a link to my blog on my instagram, it's possible the she could read this, so don't be creeped out! I think it's genuinely cool that you like my stuff. Most of my recipes are on my pinterest and I'm glad to send others your way. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Ghibli Update

My 9 movies in 18 days is going quite well, as I've already watched  4 in the past 7. Just 5 more and I have 11 days to do it, so no worries here.

I have to tell you about the wonderfulness that is Only Yesterday. I've owned this movie in my Ghibli set for at least 6 years now, but I had never watched it until this week. It's amazing. It was released in the US this year, so you all have no excuse not to watch it.

It follows Taeko, who is 27, unmarried, and working in Tokyo. She takes a vacation to go to the country and work on a farm because she feels more at home there. She begins to remember, for some reason, her 5th grade year and the film is interspersed with scenes from when she was 10. It's delightful and the ending is maybe one of my favorite Ghibli endings now. It also got 100% on Rotten Tomatoes if you need any more convincing.

I also feel it my duty to tell you to steer clear of Ocean Waves (Umi ga kikoeru). Please save yourself the hour of listening to whiny teenagers and watch Only Yesterday instead.

I'm thinking I'll have to do a Studio Ghibli ranking when I'm finished with this, and Ocean Waves is definitely in the bottom spot so far. We'll see how it fares when I re-watch Tales of Earthsea. Bluh.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Goal Within a Goal

Fathom Events is showing Spirited Away in honor of its 15th anniversary and we got tickets to see it! It'll be amazing to see it on the big screen, and they're showing Ghiblies Episode 2 alongside it - a short film that's never been released in the US before. We're so excited!

I figured it would be extra great to have this viewing count for my list (for watching all the Studio Ghibli movies in chronological order), so I've decided to make it happen. I only have 9 more to watch and 18 days to do it.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


It's been a tough week.

Since November 1st, I've been doing my 3 month gratitude journal (#30), and it honestly couldn't be at a better time. There's a lot of negativity, so now I feel that it's even more important to focus on the good things. I've been writing three things everyday.

Here's today's:
1. I'm grateful we live in a country where we have the right to vote and select our leaders, even if the outcome isn't what I personally wanted.
2. I'm grateful for the many empathetic posts I've seen on Facebook today. We are mourning with those that mourn.
3. I believe deep down that all people are good, and I'm grateful I can feel at least a tiny bit optimistic today.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Complete: 72: Track health and sleep for 3 months

One more down!

But first another shoutout to Pokemon Go. Heck, this app will get me to Mordor early, I'm so sure! They did a Halloween event and there were more Pokemon out and and more rewards for walking. You have a buddy Pokemon that walks with you and every 1 km, 3 km, or 5 km, depending on the Pokemon, you get a candy. These candies are what you use to evolve the Pokemon. For the Halloween event, these distances were quartered. I only had to walk. .75 km to get a candy for a usual 3 km Pokemon. Anyway, I ended up getting 48 candies this past week for Grimer and I'm going to evolve him into a Muk! I walked so much!

Now back to business.

I've been tracking my health for item 72, and I've already mentioned that data led to a diagnosis. I really feel like I'm taking charge of my health and I'm feeling a lot better these days. I tracked my food, my symptoms (if any), my activity, and my sleep. It's been a great help to have my Fitbit to track activity and sleep without much effort.

It's been three months, so I'm crossing the item off, but I still feel like I have a ways to go. I might keep a few notes still, but maybe not so hardcore. Wooooo gettin' healthy!