Dear everyone,
Long time no post, eh? Apologies all around.
Those of you who know me know that I've done a few 365 photo projects in the past. They're pretty stressful, though, and I wanted to work on something a little more intensive. So I decided to do a weekly photo project. This way I only have to produce one photo a week and I can spend more time conceptualizing and editing and finishing the final product. I think it will be a good way to improve my skills and it'll also help me resurrect my poor, dying flickr.
Anyway, without further ado, I give you week one's photo:
I have to admit that this one wasn't the result of careful planning and execution. It was more like and "oh crap it's saturday i have to take a photo or say goodbye to my goals already" kind of photo. But I quite like the result, all the same.
So I'll post the photos here every week, I'm thinking, but you can always follow my photo adventures at my
Good luck with your various resolutions, and may your new year be filled with excitement.
Sincerely yours,